Invitation to tender for Social Enterprise Fund for Agriculture in Africa (SEFAA) fund management
Small Foundation has partnered with KfW, the German Development Financial Institution, to co-design an investment vehicle that provides appropriate growth funding to potentially commercial-viable social agricultural enterprises (SAEs) in sub-Saharan Africa that are seeking to enhance the business ecosystem for smallholder farmers and other rural agricultural small and medium-size enterprises. SEFAA is a pilot investment vehicle, with capital already committed, aiming to demonstrate a viable investment strategy that meets the needs of both SAEs and investors.
Small Foundation alongside KfW are seeking a Fund Manager to finalise the design and manage SEFAA. The Fund Manager will be selected through a tender procedure, further details of which can be found on the Germany Trade and Invest platform.
Small Foundation would like to welcome all interested parties to apply through KfW’s tender agent at tender.support@lfs-advisory.com by the 31st July 2020.