Announcing new partnership with Invest in Africa Kenya
Small Foundation is pleased to share that we are supporting Invest in Africa Kenya to conduct research on how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting small and growing businesses (SGBs) in rural Kenya.
The aim of the research is to learn about how these businesses are being affected by the pandemic in order to inform how best to support the SGB sector moving forward, particularly women-led SGBs which global data has already begun to show are disproportionately impacted.
Invest in Africa is a pan-African private sector partnership initiative working to drive sustainable growth and job creation by developing African SGBs. With presence in seven African countries, IIA’s vision is to create prospering African economies.
This investment is part of Small Foundation’s support for mission-aligned COVID-19 response initiatives. Invest in Africa Kenya also previously partnered with Small Foundation and Creative Metier in a research initiative to better understand the needs of local business ecosystem networks in East Africa, more information about which can be found here.